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Environment and Health: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives

”Environment and Health: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives“, published in May 2010 by Social Sciences Academic Press.

How will linking the issue of environment and health change our analytical models? What contribution can social scientists make to this topic? If we take health as an important indicator of development, what does the fact that about a quarter of the causes of disease can be attributed to environmental factors mean for the work of researchers, policymakers and practitioners? ”Environment and Health: Cross-disciplinary Perspectives is a collection of research papers discussing these problems, and approaching them from several different perspectives and levels of analysis. It introduces factors and analysis scales that have to be taken into consideration when exploring the relationship between environment and health.

This book embodies the contribution of different disciplines methods, especially in medical geography, economics, anthropology, sociology, law, public health, public policy and social sciences to promotion of research paradigms and methods of interdisciplinary research, but it also helps deepen our understanding of these issues.