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  • China must stop building car-centred cities2014-10-08

    Abstract:Urban planner Peter Calthorpe calls for an end to China’s car-centred approach to urban development, and offers alternatives. Caiyun Road is 80 metres wide with 10 lanes of traffic. The traffic-clogged expressway to Kunming’s newly em

  • PM2.5 targets alone wont solve Chinas smog problem2014-10-08

    Abstract:Air pollution is a top – if not the top – priority for the Chinese leadership in the upcoming 13th Five-Year Plan. With 2013 designated the “year China’s air pollution went mainstream”, China still has substantial work left to do to meet its air targe…

  • Green sector will boom during Chinas 13th Five-Year…2014-09-05

    Abstract:The clean-tech sector will get a boost under the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), two leading sustainable business academics tell chinadialogue… Source: China Dialogue,

  • Why is it so hard to talk about women and climate c…2014-09-05

    Abstract:Climate change policies will fail unless women have greater influence over decisions, from where to build wells to how to negotiate a global deal. The impacts of climate change will disproportionately affect people living in poverty in poorer countries,

  • Berliners await landmark decision on sale of citys …2014-09-05

    Abstract:Residents and activists in Berlin want to add to the growing number of cooperatives investing and running power generation in Germany. “Why don’t we just buy the entire Berlin power grid?” asked Luise Neumann-Cosell, a resident of the city and a sta…

  • Village water supplies in China hit by scarcity and…2014-09-05

    Abstract:Chinas villages face repeated difficulties securing safe water supplies, according to research carried out by the Beijing-based NGO Greenovation:Hub. Villagers in Zizhu have had to find a new water source three times in the last 30 years. Although it m

  • A third of Chinas population eating too much alumin…2014-09-05

    Abstract:New policy to cut use of toxic heavy metal in foods like noodles and jellyfish overlooks role of small-scale producers, warn experts. Deep-fried dough sticks, steamed buns, noodles and cold jellyfish – its a pretty ordinary day’s menu for a Chinese di…